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A Helpful Year in Review from Sustainable Dish


As we welcome the New Year I thought I would share an email that I received from Diana Rodgers, RD from SUSTAINABLE DISH.You've seen posts from Diane in our blog before. Here is a year in review I received via email with interesting and helpful links to her articles and resources from 2022. I thought I would share. Hope you enjoy.

Happy New Year from Farmer Lauren!

An Email From Diane Rodgers:

Hello Lauren!

Happy New Year to those celebrating. I want to share with you my highlights from the past year looking at each month:

January: I attended the "FoodFluence" that kicked off an essential topic this year: the prevalence of nutrient deficiencies worldwide and how animal sourced foods are essential to combat them. January also highlighted another theme: unethical and biased journalism against meat. I wrote an open letter to Vox on this topic here. February: The New York Times hopped on the bandwagon this month to vilify meat and animal agriculture. Then, Eric Adams and NYC started vegan lunches on Fridays in schools. You can read the open letter I wrote on that topic here. However, things weren't only bad. I had the opportunity to appear on the Joe Rogan podcast and spread my message to a massive audience. March: I liked several articles in March:

  • A study about meat extending human lifespan

  • An article I wrote about why plants don't want to be eaten

  • And a study arguing for animal agriculture

April: In April I wrote about some topics that have since become highly relevant and that I still talk about daily. First, the idea that the US is overfed but undernourished. Second, why less meat, better meat is elitist and a threat to food justice. Third, the myths about the blue zones and why they aren't as miraculous as some think. May: In May I started my wild year of traveling. First I went to Brazil to speak to cattle producers about GHG emissions and better management. Later in the month I toured the parts of the United Kingdom including the Knepp Castle Estate to learn about rewilding. I concluded the month with a presentation at the Health Optimization Summit in London. June: Early this month I highlighted several articles discussing how the world's elite continue pushing policy changes on countries and producers while doing nothing themselves to aid the climate. A good summary of this topic comes in a podcast called Bill Gates & The War on Meat. I concluded this month once again in the United Kingdom speaking at an event called Groundswell about food production. July: I spent a large portion of July in Australia then later New Zealand. I presented at a couple of conferences, released an article with local news, and recorded some podcasts with phenomenal guests. I released the first of my study summary series about protein availability. This was also about the time when I started hearing tons of inaccurate information coming from George Monbiot which I addressed several times. August: I attempted to recover from my travel and prep for more. I also finished an open letter about the global burden of disease study and published a response to one of George Monbiot's articles. September: This was Sustainavore September! Many of you joined my Sustainavore Course and saw massive improvements in your lives. I also published a study summary on high-protein diets that many found helpful. At the end of the month I spent a special weekend at White Oak Pastures teaching, eating, and having a wonderful experience with several of you. October: This month I traveled to Dublin, Ireland for the International Meat Summit. We finished the conference with an article that is soon to be published on the importance of meat. I also shared a post on GFJA that resonated with me called Monbiot's Colonial Eden. November: I presented at the UN climate change conference COP27 this month! I was able to get my important message across clearly: meat and other animal-sourced foods are critical to solve micronutrient deficiencies, improve cognitive development, and are a vital part of our culture and economy. Removing them would have catastrophic results. December: This month is commonly characterized by giving. That was especially true this year as GFJA became an official non-profit organization, and we partnered with NFL Cincinnati Bengals’ player Markus Bailey to send meat to kids in need. We raised thousands of dollars and made a significant impact. All of these things were possible because of you! Your support allowed me to travel around the world teaching and sharing essential truths, and your giving made an impact on others through GFJA. Big things are coming in 2023, and I can't wait to share them with you! With Gratitude,

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